Our CommitmentTripp Bible Institute is deeply committed to teaching the plain, unadulterated teaching of God's word from the Holy Bible by mail to adults in a manner that will enable each person to independently come to a clearly defined position as to what the Holy Bible actually teaches.
We are committed to offering high-quality and affordable religious education, so that almost anyone (who really wants to do so) may earn college-level religious degrees for their efforts. Why Pay More???Other schools charge anywhere from $62 to $1,400 per semester hour (credit hour), PLUS their very high fees for expensive materials and overpriced evaluations.
Their monthly minimum payments range from $75 to $275 per month! Our tuition is ONLY $30.70 per semester hour, and you may make payments as low as $19.50 each! Why pay more??? TBI's Grading ScaleA+ 100.0% - 99.9% - 4.0 GPA
A+ 99.8% - 97.0% - 3.9 GPA A 96.9% - 94.0% - 3.5 GPA B 93.9% - 86.0% - 3.0 GPA C 85.9% - 78.0% - 2.0 GPA D 77.9% - 70.0% - 1.0 GPA U *66.9% - 0.0% - 0.0 GPA I **Incomplete - 0.0 GPA You must maintain an overall 2.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) or higher to earn any of our degrees or certificates. * If you should happen to earn a U on an assigned set of lessons, you will have an opportunity to improve your overall grade average (GPA). ** No degree or certificate will be issued while any work remains "incomplete." |
Compare Prices!American Public University
Tuition: $250 to $350 per credit hour Ames Christian University and Bible College Tuition: $146.50 per semester hour Argosy University Tuition: $380 to $750 per credit hour Ashford University Tuition: $430 to $625 per credit hour Carolina Bible College Tuition: $75 per credit hour Denver Seminary Tuition: $540 per semester hour DeVry Univstity Tuition: $609 per credit hour Florida Tech University Online Tuition: $495 per credit hour Kaplan University Tuition: $1,300 to $1,400 per semester hour Liberty University Tuition: $250 per semester hour Masters Divinity School Tuition: $62 to $85 per credit hour Masters International School of Divinity Tuition: $130 per credit hour Nazarene Seminary Tuition: $250 per semester hour North Central University Tuition: $375 to $495 per credit hour + $2,000 doctoral fee Old Dominion University Tuition: $263 to $397 per Credit Hour Penn State Tuition: $404 to $551 per credit hour Regents University Tuition: $250 per semester hour Roanoke Bible College Tuition: $177 per credit hour University of Phoenix Tuition: $440 to $620 per credit hour Virginia Bible College Tuition: $81 to $91 per credit hour Tripp Bible Institute Our tuition: ONLY $30.70 per semester hour Why pay more??? |